
Solutions from Better Questions

Alan speaks about 'Fry the Monkeys'

This speech helps people with their productivity

Better Solutions come from Better Questions.

Have you noticed that people are more likely to analyze problems than they are to look for solutions? Despite the ambiguity of business and organizations we still think that a close examination of the problem will lead to action. Instead, it leads to inaction.

How do we speed up decision making and action orientation so that we become more productive, more effective managers and workers?

This session teaches us the value of better questions and how to ask them so that people speed up progress on moving the organization forward.

Session outline: Better Questions. Better Solutions

–  Why end problem discussion in your organization

–  Why Solution Focus?

–  The Solution Focus principles

–  How to say goodbye to problem monkeys

–  Knowing what questions to ask

–  Noticing what works and doing more of it

Alan blends theory and storytelling with active practice of ideas – the result of this process allows you to implement your new ideas right away.